Price is 59.99 each or buy 3 get 1 free plus the shipping of 14.99 u.s and 24.99 canada
Product Description:
- Provides temporary relief from symptoms of nerve pain
- Developed by Dr. Barbara Hendel
- Homeopathic medicine
MediNatura™ Nerve Pain Relief was formulated by Dr. Barbara Hendel to provide temporary relief from numbness, tingling sensations and shooting pain associated with nerve pain. The formula utilizes Arnica montana radix 6X, Arsenicum album 12X, Belladonna 6X, Colocynthis 6X, Gnaphalium polycephalum 6X, Hypericum perforatum 6X, Mezereum 3X, Rhus toxicodendron 12X and Ruta graveolens 6X.
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